I was afraid. I had to be in contact again with a very evil person. I did not want to have anything to do with him, but a funeral was throwing us together. We both had a part in it, so I knew we would have to communicate. My husband couldn’t attend, for he had to work. I felt very alone and vulnerable. What should I do? How should I handle it?
I talked to a godly man about it, and he suggested putting on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18.) I was aware of the armor, and had “put it on” before. I knew I would “put it on” that day, but I didn’t really know how it would help.
The morning of the funeral I had my regular time with God and put all of His armor on. This time it was His armor, not just armor I was putting on.
I went, still fearful. When it was over, I recognized several things. God had been with me. He had protected me. I had His power and at least a little of His vision into the heart of this evil person. I pitied him, yet still did not want to be near him, for he had no desire to change. More importantly, God had allowed this experience to change me! I was no longer fearful of a future encounter with him. I knew God was with me. I knew He would protect me. I knew that “greater is He who is in me,” then the evil that is in the world (1 John 4:4). I did not need to be fearful of any future encounter with evil, for my all-powerful, protective God was with me!
#armor of God #fear #Ephesians6:10-18 #1John4:4 #funeral #belt of truth #breastplate of righteousness #sword of the Spirit #shield of faith #helmet of salvation #shoes of the gospel of peace #1 Timothy 6:12 #protection #women’sministry #BeautifulYou!(InsideandOut!) #women’sBiblestudy # studyonEsther