As Jesus hung tortured, with blood dripping from his entire body, He said, “It is finished,” and died (John 19:30). What was finished? His time of torture on the cross? Yes The offering of Himself as a sacrifice for our sins? Yes His life, as it had been on this earth, over? Yes These things were finished. But I believe Jesus was saying something much more significant. I believe He was saying, “Everything has been completed to open the way…..
Read Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Jesus, You endured so many things I would never want to experience! This included: being rejected and despised by men; being falsely accused, though innocent; being beaten and tortured beyond human recognition; the vast majority of people believing that God was against You and punishing You, while in reality You were carrying our sins. You took our punishment for them. You made yourself an offering to pay for my sins. You did this for me; for each…..