The Bible is so relevant to life! So often the writers express the very heart cries that we have—and then through turning to God—they receive the comfort, direction, or inspiration to help them continue in life.
Have you ever felt stuck? Have you ever felt totally hemmed in by a terrible, perhaps painful, and totally insurmountable set of circumstances that you were utterly powerless to resolve?
Asaph, the writer of Psalm 77 felt this way. He was very upset about the state of affairs in Israel. He was so upset he couldn’t sleep and could hardly talk. He even began to wonder if God’s promises had ended, and God’s compassion had stopped. Then he finally realized that it was his own grief that was causing him to think God had changed.
Asaph decided that instead of grieving, he would meditate on God and all the mighty works He had done in the past. These included remembering how God redeemed Jacob and Joseph, and how God parted the sea and delivered Israel. Then verse 19 just jumped out at me. It states,
“Thy way was through the sea,
thy path through the great waters;
yet thy footprints were unseen.”
The sea was an impossible place to get through! Yet, God’s way may be through the impossible! We may not see Him—or even His footprints— not even evidence of Him! Yet He is leading!! If we keep looking to Him, listening, and walking in obedience to Him, He WILL lead us! He will lead us through the impossible situation!
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