Do you love music? I sure do! It can so perfectly express our thoughts and feelings. Right now I am thinking of a little song I learned as a child. It is such a simple song, and yet expresses such a great truth. This song originated from something Jesus said. While talking to a crowd of people, Jesus said, “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon…..
With all the unrest in our nation, I have been a bit fearful. Have you? It feels like some of the things we have counted on are being shaken. As I thought about how there are changes in our nation, I came across Psalm 46. Verse two states, “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth shakes and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” I don’t know about you, but I think I would be fearful in…..
Division is so painful– most of the time. Dividing an apple may not be painful. (Although we may not want to give up our half of the apple!) But most of the time, division is very painful. Breaking a limb is painful. A division within a family is extremely painful. A church division hurts and harms many people. So does a divorce. And now, our beloved United States of America is so divided! What can we do? Often when people…..
Do you long for a life free of troubles? If you are like me, you want to shout, “Yes! No more troubles!” Many people are told if they will just accept Jesus as their Savior, all their troubles will be over. But I ask you, “Did Jesus have troubles?” Yes, He did. Right after Jesus was baptized, the Spirit (God) led Him into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. There he endured hunger and thirst for forty days. Afterwards…..
Do you have a restless, unfulfilled, perhaps unidentified need or desire deep within your heart? Does this deep yearning rise up within you, desiring fulfillment? Many people try to satisfy that need with financial success, notoriety, more toys, sex, relationships, or conquering new goals. While these may bring some fulfillment, they will never bring the deep lasting fulfillment found in a personal relationship with Christ. Tom Brady, quarterback for the New England Patriots, expressed that unfulfilled yearning. He has three…..