I am a planner and administrator. I like to have everything organized and scheduled not only for the present day, but also into the future. If things don’t go as I plan, or I get behind in my schedule, my natural tendency is to get anxious.
I’d read Matthew 6:25-34. I’d read Jesus’s words that I should not be anxious about anything, but I couldn’t seem to get the concept into my heart and live it out. How could I not be anxious? I had to make sure my many responsibilities were done well and completed on time.
God is so gracious. If we are really trying to walk with Him in an obedient relationship, He will orchestrate events in our life to help us release what we need to release and grow more like Him. That is what He did for me. He slowly started orchestrating events beyond my control. I had a choice. I could panic or turn to Him and ask Him to help me trust Him with each circumstance. As I intentionally trusted, I learned that He is faithful. When it looked like things were falling apart, He actually had them fall into place at just the right moment. Through asking Him to empower me to trust Him, and intentionally choosing to trust, I learned that He is able, and He is faithful. Every responsibility has been completed well and on time.
Am I anxious now? Yes, sometimes I am. But, not near as often. Now I try and walk in God’s Spirit listening to His leading and resting in Him. I also take His admonition to let one day’s troubles be enough for that day. I let Him guide me through each day and trust that He will guide me through tomorrow.
Trusting Him has brought so much more peace and joy in my heart! Would you like this peace and joy? Ask God to teach you how to trust and follow Him. He will gladly help you.
#Matthew6:25-34 #anxiety #peace #trustingGod #lackofanxiety #trust #administor #organized #Biblestudyforwomen #Christianauthor #BeautifulYou!(Inside and Out!) #women’sministry #faithfulness #faithfulGod