Why Mary? Why was Mary chosen to be the mother of God’s Son? What did God see in Mary that caused Him to choose her?
God had already said in His Holy Scripture that His Son would be a descendant of King David (Jeremiah 23:5; Jeremiah 33:14-16; Isaiah 11:1-10). Mary fit that description. Scholars believe that Luke records the genealogy of Mary in Luke 3:23-38. Matthew records the genealogy of Joseph in Matthew 1:1-17. https://www.cgg.org/index.cfm/library/bqa/id/184/why-does-jesus-have-two-different-genealogies-matthew-11-16-luke-323-38.htm Thus both of Jesus’s earthly parents were descendants of King David.
But why else might God have chosen Mary? Luke’s record of Mary and the angel’s conversation gives us some more insights. They are recorded in Luke 1:26-38.
God knew that Mary was obedient to His teachings in the law. She was walking in His ways. This is evidenced by her life-style. She was a young lady engaged to be married, yet she was a virgin. From Exodus 20:14 and other Old Testament teachings, Mary knew God desired her to remain a virgin until she married. Her purity spoke of her desire to follow God and honor Him with her life.
God chose Mary because of her transparent heart. When the angel said she would have the Son of the Most High (the Messiah), she responded honestly, allowing him to see her lifestyle and her heart. She told him that she was not yet married, and so didn’t understand how that could happen.
God knew Mary was teachable; willing to ask questions and to learn. When she didn’t understand how she could become a mother when not married, she asked the angel for an answer. Her heart was open to a greater understanding than she already had. She knew she could ask questions and receive answers from God. Isn’t that what Christ desires of us? He wants us to ask the honest, hard questions, and to be teachable.
Mary believed what God said through the angel, even though it seemed impossible. When the angel said that the Most High would overshadow her, and so the Son born to her would be God’s holy Son, she believed him. She still did not really understand how this could happen, but she took God at His word, believing what was said. God needed a young lady who would believe what He told her.
Mary willingly accepted God’s will, even though she did not know all the implications of that acceptance. She told the angel, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” At that moment Mary was not thinking of the gossip and probable rejection from others because she was an unwed mother. She was not thinking of the implications on Joseph’s business. She could not have known she would have to flee to Egypt to protect Jesus’s life as an infant. She could not have known of the multitudes of people Jesus would heal. She could not have known of His teachings from God. Nor could she have known of His rejection, torture, crucifixion and resurrection. She could not have known how saying, “Yes,” to God would bring such joy, tumult, questions, pride, heart-breaking agony, ecstasy, peace and great fulfillment. No, Mary did not know any of this when she said, “Yes.” But she said, “Yes.” She trusted the God who asked her to be His servant. She trusted that He would help her do what He had asked her to do. And God did.
Mary helps us know the type of person God can approach for His kingdom work.
God chose Mary because she had all these attributes. She is a wonderful example to us. Will we allow God to grow us into vessels He can use for His service? Will we follow Him and then watch as He goes with us and helps us through each situation? Will we experience the joy of His constant presence and then the eternal rewards? I pray so.
#Jesus’motherMary #Jesus’smother #whychoseMary?