Do you feel like you have a God given vision or dream, but the obstacles to accomplishing it are too great to surmount? Do you feel like your life is overwhelmed with many different and sometimes difficult obligations?
I was feeling quite overwhelmed with my many taxing obligations. If fact, some of the time I was saying to God that I didn’t really want to do a specific job. Yet I did ask Him to help me do it for His glory. (What a contradiction!) While feeling overwhelmed, God spoke to me through me Psalm 106:24-27. This refers to the story in chapters thirteen and fourteen in the book of Numbers.
God had delivered the nation of Israel from Egypt using ten miraculous plagues, each defeating an Egyptian god. When Pharaoh finally released them and Israel got to the Red Sea, God split the Red Sea and they crossed on dry ground. Pharaoh’s army followed them and when they entered the sea, God brought the water back down on them and they drowned. God had truly delivered them! As they went through the wilderness on their way to the land God had promised them, He led them with a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day. He provided food and water for all of them – approximately 2.4 million! What an amazing, powerful God!
When Israel got to the Promised Land, God told Moses, his human leader, to send twelve spies into the land and check it out. The spies came back with glowing reports of this bountiful land flowing with “milk and honey.” But, they also reported that there were giants and many strong people in the land who were too strong for them to overcome.
God had set before them a bountiful land! He had proven His power to them with a miraculous deliverance from Egypt and subsequent constant provision. He was with them! Yet, they said the obstacles were too great to overcome. Because of their lack of faith, they did not enter the Promise Land, but died in the wilderness. Their children entered it.
What is God offering you? What is He offering me? Are we receiving it with gratitude or grumbling because it looks too difficult? Where is our faith? Is it in our abilities to overcome difficult obstacles, or is it in an all knowing, all powerful God?
As I looked at my overwhelming responsibilities, God said, “If I have set before you an open door, don’t worry about the obstacles. Do not complain about the many responsibilities. They are doors I want you to go through. Go through in My strength and with My direction.”
Let us not let obstacles stop us from accomplishing our God given dreams and responsibilities. Let’s keep our eyes on our all-powerful God, receive His strength and trust His leading. He is able to do infinitely more then all we could ask or imagine! (Ephesians 3:20).
Trusting His guidance,