I needed some new shoes! Nothing elaborate, just some shoes. In fact, I needed two pairs of shoes. My navy flats had totally disintegrated. My black dress heels had a split in the side. I had them stitched, but the mend was visible and the shoes were giving out. I had looked for replacements during the few times I had gone to the stores, but could find nothing! What was I going to do?
I have written about following the leading of the Spirit in some of my posts. I would like to share the ways the Lord led me to an unexpected blessing.
One morning I had a number of errands and an appointment before I started work. As I prepared my list, I had the distinct impression from God that I was not to make one of the stops. I did not know why, but I mentally crossed it off my list.
I had some items to return to Amazon, and the return site was in Kohl’s. Upon completion of the returns, I was given two Kohl’s 25% off coupons that could be used within the next week. Since I shop very little, I was dubious that I would be able to use them. The combination of that doubt and some tall men’s clothes that were on sale, caused me to start looking for something for my husband. God’s Spirit distinctly spoke to my heart and said, “I do not want you to look here.” I should have asked God where He wanted me to look. Instead I looked a couple more minutes. When God said it again, I decided to quickly start completing my list before my appointment in forty-five minutes. Upon completion, except that I found no sheets, I headed back to my car near Kohl’s. I had a few extra minutes and decided to check Kohl’s for sheets. Heading to the bedding department, I passed the shoe department. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pair of cute flat navy shoes! They never have my size, but on impulse, I turned back and looked. They did! I quickly tucked them under my arm and rushed to the bedding department. I found no sheets to my liking, and headed back towards my car via the shoe department. There I took a minute to try on the shoes. They fit! As I looked on the shelf to check the price, I saw a pair of black dress pumps. Again I thought they would not have my size, but they did! And they fit! (I am a difficult fit). I couldn’t believe it! Two pairs of shoes that I needed, and both fit. I was not even looking for them! And, I had a coupon for each of them. What a gift from God!
God had led me by impressing on me the need to refrain from a long stop. This had given me the time to find and try on the shoes. He had also spoken to me, letting me know that I was not to be looking in the men’s department. That got me moving. He graciously helped me complete my errands, except the one that would remind me to look in Kohl’s. As I walked past the shoe department, He allowed me to see one of the pairs of shoes that I needed.
He knew the shoes I needed were there. He orchestrated the circumstances so that I found them. I am so thankful for the gift of those shoes! More importantly, I am thankful that I have a God who cares so much about me that He would impress on me His direction, He would speak to me directly, and He would even direct my glance. What a powerful God! Won’t you allow Him to direct you also?
#Kohl’s #shoes #sheets #dresspumps #navyflats Spiritled #blackdresspumps #tallmen’scloths Amazon #Christianauthor #women’sBiblestudy #women’sministry #BeautifulYou!(InsideandOut!) #BiblestudyonEsther