On Easter morning I was reading Matthew 26:57-75. This is the account of Christ’s trial before Caiaphas and then Peter’s denial of Christ. As I was reading, the Holy Spirit lifted out two truths that are applicable to life.
The first had to do with Jesus’s Trial before Caiaphas, the high priest, and the entire ruling religious body called the Sanhedrin. Verse 59 states, “Now the chief priests and whole council sought false testimony against Jesus that they might put Him to death.”
The ruling religious leaders were not seeking truth. They were seeking false testimony to support their per-determined desire!
Truth #1. Dealing in falsehood brings death. Here it brought physical death to Christ and spiritual death to the religious leaders who remained in their lies. If we want to be set free, healed and internally whole, we need to seek what is true and Truth (Jesus), releasing our predetermined desires.
The second truth involved Peter and his denial of Christ. Why did he deny Christ?
He was afraid. He was trying to protect himself.
Truth #2. We are not to lie to protect ourselves. We are to deal in truth. When we try to protect ourselves, rather than deal in truth, great pain and regret may be the result. After the betrayal, Christ turned and looked at Peter. (Luke 22:61) Then Peter went out and wept bitterly.
Later, Christ came and graciously restored Peter.
Let us seek Christ and His desires. Let us seek Truth and deal in truth. Then Luke 4:18, “Christ has come to give us His good news, to release the captives, to give sight to the blind, and to set at liberty those who are oppressed,” will become a reality in our lives.