Matthew 1:18-25
Joseph – Jesus’s Earthly Father
Joseph. A man. Yet a man chosen for a special task. He was the man God entrusted with the care of His Son. Who was this man, Joseph?
Joseph was a just man. A man who wanted to do things right. He was probably devastated when his fiancé; his lovely, sweet, Mary told him she was pregnant. How could she have done this to him? To them? They had all their plans for the future; a home, children, his career. And now this! In his anger, pain, and confusion, he turned to the book of God. What did it say? He would – even in the midst of his pain, do things right. God needed a man who would do things right – even in the midst of personal devastation.
Joseph was also sensitive to Mary. The law, God’s book, said he could have her put to death or divorce her. (Deut. 22:22; Deut. 24:1) Joseph did not want to make a public spectacle out of Mary. Nor did he want some public exoneration at her expense. He decided he would follow God’s law and quietly divorce her. That divorce would finalize the future as he had planned it.
Joseph was also willing to listen to God’s leading and follow it above anything else. Even though Joseph had resolved to divorce Mary, and knew he legally could, he must have still been troubled. As he wrestled, God came to him and gave him the answer to his dilemma. God does that when we seek His will. In this instance, God gave Joseph direction through a dream. An angel came and clearly told Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife because she had not committed adultery. In fact, the baby within her was of the Holy Spirit, and would be Messiah! Joseph was to name this child Jesus, for this child would save his people from their sins.
I wonder how Joseph felt when he woke up. He had just had a total mind boggling reversal of all his plans! He had been sure he was going to divorce Mary, and now he was told to take her as his wife and be responsible for the care and upbringing of Messiah! Yet, because of the angel’s message, what did he do? He got up and took Mary as his wife. God needed a man who would follow His leading – regardless of doubts, fears, or consequences to his reputation, family, or career.
He was willing to keep that which was sacred as sacred, despite he own desires. Joseph was an engaged man, with the normal pent-up sexual desires of any engaged man. Those desires wanted expression. He knew marriage was the appropriate place to express those desires within a holy union with his wife. Yet here was something more sacred – Messiah, God’s son. Messiah was totally pure. Scripture (Isaiah 7:14) stated that He was to come from a virgin. Yes, Mary was pregnant – but by the Holy Spirit. The Holy One of God, Messiah, was to come from a virgin – a woman unspotted by sexual physical intimacy. So Joseph took Mary as his wife and cared for her, setting aside his own sexual desires until after Jesus was born. What a self- disciplined man! How totally sold out to following God and doing things God’s way, even at the denial of his own desires.
What can we learn from Joseph? What characteristics did he have that we need to consider for ourselves?
Joseph was that type of man. That was the man God needed for a God-sized job. Are we that type of person?
Praying God’s empowering and equipping for what He has called us to do,
Lisa Veach