How’s your soul today? Weary? Defeated? Afraid? Upset? Peaceful? Joyful? Confident in God and His love and care for you?
We all have times of difficulty or discouragement. We all encounter situations that can cause us anxiety. They are part of life. So are the joyful, happy times. But how do we get a restored soul in the midst of turmoil? How do we get a soul that is at peace and confidently moves into the future?
We can try a number of things to restore our soul. Some of these may include taking a break, doing something we enjoy, going somewhere special, or talking to a confidant. These may help, but they don’t really “restore our soul.” Only God can do that.
In order for God to restore our soul, we need to have developed an intimate relationship with Him. This enables us to “hear” His “still small voice” (1Kings 19:11-13). As we cry to Him for help, He lovingly responds to us in the midst of our situation. He offers the perfect words that give us the direction we need. As we trust in Him and His words, He restores the equilibrium of our souls. We may not understand the situation. Yet if we trust Him, He gives us the “peace that passes understanding” (Philippians 4:6-7). Communing with God and trusting Him results in our soul being refreshed and restored. We can then face the day, confident of God’s love and care.
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